How much does it cost to replace a furnace control board?

Replacing a furnace control board is crucial for maintaining a cozy and warm home during chilly months. But what about the cost? Well, in this article, we’ll break it down for you in simple terms. We’ll explore the factors that affect the cost, discuss whether it’s a DIY job or best left to the pros, and provide tips to save money along the way.

Factors Affecting the Cost

When it comes to replacing a furnace control board, several factors come into play that can influence the overall cost. Understanding these factors will help you gauge the expenses involved and make informed decisions. Let’s take a closer look at each one:

Type of Furnace

The type of furnace you have plays a significant role in determining the cost of replacing the control board. Different furnace types have varying designs and technologies, which can impact the complexity of the replacement process. 

For example, a high-efficiency furnace may have a more intricate control board, leading to higher replacement costs. On the other hand, standard or older models may have simpler control boards, resulting in lower expenses.

Brand and Model

The brand and model of your furnace can also influence the cost of replacing a control board. Well-known brands often have proprietary control boards that are specifically designed for their units. 

These specialized components can be more expensive than generic control boards. Additionally, certain furnace models may require rarer or harder-to-find control boards, which can drive up the cost due to limited availability.

Labor Costs

Labor charges for replacing a furnace control board can vary depending on the complexity of the replacement process. If the control board is easily accessible and can be replaced without much disassembly, the labor costs may be lower. 

However, if the control board is located in a hard-to-reach area or requires extensive dismantling of the furnace, the labor charges may increase. It’s essential to consult with HVAC professionals to get accurate estimates of labor costs based on your specific furnace setup.

Additional Components

During the replacement of a furnace control board, it’s possible that other components may need to be replaced as well. These additional components could include wiring, connectors, or sensors that are connected to the control board. 

It’s important to consider the cost of these extra parts when calculating the overall expense of replacing the control board. Your HVAC technician will be able to assess if any additional components need replacement and provide you with a comprehensive cost estimate.

Average Cost Range

When it comes to replacing a furnace control board, understanding the average cost range is vital for budgeting purposes. The cost can vary depending on several factors we discussed earlier, such as the furnace type, brand and model, labor costs, and additional components. 

Replacing a furnace control board typically falls within a general cost range of 600. However, it’s important to note that this estimate can vary based on the specific circumstances of your furnace. 

Higher-end furnaces or those with more advanced control board technologies may lean towards the higher end of the range, while standard models may be more affordable. To get an accurate estimate, it is crucial to obtain multiple quotes from HVAC professionals. 

By reaching out to different technicians, you can compare their prices, expertise, and services. This will help you make an informed decision and ensure you’re receiving a fair price for the replacement.

Obtaining multiple quotes also allows you to assess the level of professionalism and knowledge of the technicians. It’s essential to choose a reputable HVAC professional who understands the intricacies of your furnace system and can perform the replacement with expertise.

Keep in mind that while cost is an important factor, it shouldn’t be the sole determining factor when selecting an HVAC professional. Consider their experience, qualifications, and customer reviews as well. Opting for the cheapest option may not always guarantee quality workmanship.

DIY vs. Professional Replacement

When faced with the need to replace a furnace control board, you may wonder whether to tackle the project yourself or hire a professional. Let’s explore the advantages and disadvantages of each approach to help you make an informed decision:

DIY Replacement

Doing the replacement yourself has a few potential advantages. Firstly, it can save you money on labor costs. Additionally, if you enjoy DIY projects and have some experience working with electrical components, you may find satisfaction in completing the task independently.

However, there are important factors to consider before opting for a DIY replacement. Furnace control boards are intricate and sensitive components. Mishandling or improper installation can lead to malfunctions, electrical hazards, or even damage to the furnace system. 

It’s crucial to have a solid understanding of electrical safety and the specific requirements of your furnace model. Additionally, DIY replacements may void any existing warranties on your furnace.

Professional Replacement

Hiring a professional HVAC technician for the replacement brings its own set of advantages. Firstly, professionals have the necessary knowledge, experience, and tools to handle the job correctly. They are well-versed in safety protocols and can ensure that the replacement is done accurately and efficiently.

By entrusting the task to a professional, you also reduce the risk of potential mistakes that could lead to costly repairs or safety hazards. Moreover, professional replacements often come with warranties or guarantees, providing you with peace of mind and recourse in case of any issues.

It’s important to weigh the costs of hiring a professional against potential DIY savings. While professional replacements may incur additional expenses, the expertise and assurance they provide are worth considering,

Frequently asked question

1. Are there any service fees associated with the replacement?

Yes, hiring a professional HVAC technician for the replacement often incurs service fees. These fees cover the technician’s time, expertise, and any additional services provided during the replacement process.

2. Do I need to consider taxes when budgeting for the replacement?

Yes, it’s essential to factor in taxes when considering the overall cost of the replacement. Taxes can vary depending on your location and applicable regulations, so be sure to consult with your HVAC professional or review local tax guidelines.

3. Are there any hidden costs I should be aware of?

While the main cost is typically associated with the replacement itself, it’s important to inquire about any potential hidden costs. These may include additional components or parts that need to be replaced, the need for permits or inspections, or any unforeseen complications that arise during the process.

4. Is there a possibility of incurring additional labor costs?

Depending on the complexity of the replacement and any unforeseen issues that arise, there is a chance of incurring additional labor costs. It’s important to discuss this possibility with your HVAC professional and inquire about any potential hourly rates or charges for extended labor.

5. Are there any warranties or guarantees that cover additional costs?

Some HVAC professionals may offer warranties or guarantees that cover additional costs that may arise during the replacement process. It’s advisable to ask about these provisions to ensure you are protected in case any unexpected expenses occur.


the cost to replace a furnace control board can vary depending on several factors, including the type of furnace, the complexity of the replacement, and whether you choose to hire a professional or tackle the project yourself. It’s essential to consider these factors and obtain quotes from HVAC professionals to get an accurate estimate.

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